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2014-2015 Season


January 15, 2014

Storioni festival concours - final roud

De Toonzaal, Den Bosch, Netherlands

January 24, 2014

Storioni festival - Wandereld concert
De Toonzaal, Den Bosch, Netherlands

March 12, 2014

Masterclass with Eric Hoeprich
6:35 Zaal, Rotterdam, Netherlands

March 30, 2014

Kamermuziekfestival Den Haag

Den Haag, Netherlands

April 27, 2014

Appearance in Concertgebouw Spiegelzaal

Amsterdam, Netherlands

June12, 2014

Concert in PARK

PARK museum, Tilburg, Netherlands

January15, 2015

Concert in Muziekgebouw

Eindhoven, Netherlands

March 26, 2015

Concert in Leiden

Leiden, Netherlands


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